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Bat Houses

Bat Houses for Sale

Did you know that in a single night a little brown bat can eat up to 60 medium sized moths or 1,000 mosquito sized insects. With more bats there are fewer mosquitoes and flies to spread disease, fewer moths to swarm lights, and less mosquito and moth larvae to raid vegetable gardens. Like other animal species, habitat loss has severely impacted the local bat population.

You can help by installing bat houses on your property to provide bats with a good place to roost and if you have old or dead trees that you can safely leave standing bats also love to roost there.

Thanks to DCLA member David McWatters and a few volunteer assistants for making 30 of these customized bat houses emblazoned with the Dog Lake Association logo.

Order yours today!

Contact information:
Please contact Kari Galasso at karigalasso@gmail,com to make  arrangements for pick up or delivery of your bat house.